So after wandering around the flea market, I managed to get through the throng of people on Takeshita Street back to the main drag in front of Harajuku station. I decided to swing by the Meiji-jingu shrine to check things out. Along the long wide path to the shrine there is an entrance to a garden. Granted that this time of year it might not be very floral, but since they charge Y500 to get in, it's probably a nice tranquil respite from the crowds. And it was. There's a nice big pond with koi swimming around. I found myself a bench and just sat and relaxed for a bit. It was quite nice.
Afterwards, I made my way over to the shrine. There seemed to be a few weddings happening that afternoon. I hung around a bit and managed to take a few pictures. It was interesting to watch the processions. Also, when they wedding party was having their photos done, the fixer was busy making sure the kimonos were all neat and straight. I guess they wanted to have the perfect photo.
Next to the Shrine is Yoyogi Park. Yoyogi Park is known for some festive activities on Sundays. Today was no exception. There were at least 4 groups of rockabilly dancers going at it with their music blaring. One of the groups was actually all female. It was amusing to see the pompadours on some of the guys. I think there was one guy who's pompadour was quite tall! At some point, some of the guys joined the girls and they did a number to Greased Lightning. It was quite entertaining. I captured it as a movie on the small camera.
After all of that, we (Wayne had met up with me in Yoyogi) headed down Omotesando. I found a Body Shop and picked up a few things because I was having hair issues. Further down the street, we found Kiddy Land. Ooooh, this was a dangerous place! There were about 6 floors of stuff! Needless to say, I did pick up a few things. I found the Disney Little Taps. They're quite amusing! I also found a couple other interesting items.
Finally, time for dinner. We wanted to go to this Mexican place, but it seems that it was no longer around (not sure what the staying power of restaurants are around Tokyo), so we wandered around a bit. I forget how long we wandered for. Eventually, realizing how hungry we were and not having much luck finding anything along the street we were on, we decided Jamaican jerk sounded good, hailed a cab and went off to Aalaawi in Ebisu. it was good to get some food in the tummy!
Monday (Today)
Today, I felt the after effects of the Jamaican jerk. I really shouldn't have added the extra hot sauce, but it was GOOD! Anyway, it was also a bit of a cloudy and rainy day. Rainy, dreary days just zap the energy out of me. I also didn't know what I wanted to do. So I just chilled in the apartment. I did go out to grab a sandwich to eat. I caught up on some email and took a nice nap in the afternoon.
Later, I met up with Wayne and his friend Keith. We went to this Korean barbecue place. It was interesting to have this thing on the table with hot coals to cook your food. It was all quite good and filling! :-)
Yeah, Monday was a slow day.
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