I couldn't remember exactly what time they were suppose to parade the mikoshi (portable shrine), so we got there around 8AM.

Eventually, a whole bunch of mikoshi carriers arrived. After some ceremony and speech, the parading of the mikoshi commenced. We followed the mikoshi around for about and hour or so. Every so often they would stop and heave the mikoshi up and down. There were also a couple of stops along the way for the mikoshi bearers to refresh themslves.

Afterwards, we headed off to Fushimi Inari. This shrine is dedicated to the fox god. It is most famous for the thousands of red toriis that wind their way up the mountain. There was a brief scene in the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha" where the young Sayuri ran within the toriis.

We made the climb all the way up and around the mountain. I forget how high the mountain was. something tells me it's around 238 meters. In any case, I was pretty tired after that hike. Afterwards, we caught the train back to Kyoto. Took it easy the rest of the afternoon.
Hey bunter,
Keep missing you (damn time difference) but I have checked out the blog. Looks like a lot of fun. Hope everything is going well out there.
err bunster.
Damn early mornings.
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