For the second day in a row, the weather has been less than ideal for doing any outdoor sightseeing.
This morning I got up early and headed out with my friend to take care of a few things. Later in the morning, I was meeting with someone at Roppongi Hills. By noon, I had had it with the weather and decided to head back to the apartment. :-p
At some point mid-afternoon the skies has started to brighten a little bit. I think I might have even seen a hint of blue sky behind the clouds. This was the opportunity to go out and pick up a few things. On the way back from the store, I could see that the dark rain clouds were starting to roll in again. Drat!
So, to maybe make this entry a bit more interesting, I'll say a few words about the area I am staying in.
This area is called Minami Azabu. It's not far from Roppongi and it's right in the middle of the area were many of the foreign embassies and consulates are located. As a result, a good number of people who live here are foreigners. The supermarket I went to caters to this ex-pat community. There you can find quite a few items from "home" (jeez! the good coffee is expensive!). Unfortunately, I couldn't find the fresh fish I had wanted to get! ;-)
My friend's apartment is located right next to the Korean Embassy. When we went by it the other day, there were no less than 4 security personnel at the entrance. It's also worth noting that most of the shops here have staff that speak some English. Considering the neighborhood they're operating in, this benefits the shops and patrons.
A few words on fashion here: I can't wear it. Since I got here, I've been taking note of what some of the women here wear. There doesn't seem to be any one trend being followed by the young and the hip. Some things I have seen: cowboy boots with a short skirt or shorts; knee-high hosiery worn with a skirt; lots of high heels. I give these women credit for being able to run around in these things, even in rainy weather! I think I would just end up tripping and breaking my neck wearing those things. :-p
I get the impression the people here have very long days. As a result, I see many people catching a few Z's on the trains and subways. I wonder how many of them end up missing their stop. Yesterday, on the way back from the Ginza, we saw this woman sitting across from us applyin make-up. Now it takes a bit of talent to put on eye make-up on a moving vehicle!
Anyway, let's see if I'll have the energy or motivation to head out tomorrow in this crappy weather.
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